Nicholas Wooldridge

LV Criminal Defense

From humble beginnings to Noble Crusader… I grew in the biggest little city in the world, Reno, Nevada. My father was a carpenter, and my mother worked various job, including a tour guide and telephone operator. We had a large family of 8 children, who were in and out of a house that was just a little over 1,400 square feet. My parents loved each-other, and most importantly loved their children. I am second to the youngest. I am the first to graduate college in my entire family, and the first and only lawyer. I was an athlete in school, and most concerned with popularity as this was of the utmost importance to me growing up as it ensured lots of friends and girlfriends. I prayed near nightly to be the most popular, the toughest and the best looking from middle school through high school.

When I finished high school, I knew nothing. I barely received a good enough score on the SAT to attend the local university. I knew I wanted to be a lawyer, because cops couldn’t mess with me, and I believed they made a lot money. The university was difficult, in the beginning, because my academic skills were very lackluster. I remember when a professor gave the class a five-page paper assignment to be turned in. It took days to get it done, I was so far behind. Notwithstanding, I put my nose the grindstone, dedicated myself to school, and excelled. I put partying on the back burner, and school first.

After undergrad, I had a high stakes experience with the Justice system. Out one night after the final semester of undergrad, my friend and I met two dancers at a local watering hole. We had a great time. We decided we would meet up the following night at the Dancers’ place of work, “Wild Orchid Gentleman’s Club”. We showed up with some other friends to take the Dancers out of the club. One of the bouncers had a crush on the Dancers. He was not happy we were leaving with the dancers. Needless to say a fight ensued, and one of the bouncers suffered an orbital lobe fracture to his eye---that ultimately required surgery. I did not do it! Nevertheless, I was one of the only names the police had, and I was ultimately prosecuted. It was a tough time, and extremely stressful.

At the time, I needed to apply for law school. While applying I had to be very careful when answering the questions asked on the law school application concerning criminal history. Fortunately, UNLV’s law school did not have a question about pending criminal matters, and only asked about prior convictions. I was able to truthfully answer the application and was ultimately accepted into UNLV’s Law School. After my first semester I had to return to Reno to sit as a defendant in a criminal felony jury trial. I was acquitted—NOT GUILTY! Thank God! The justice system worked and works.

After law school, I decided that I wanted to be a movie star. I moved to New York City, to study acting, but quickly found out I did not want to be a struggling actor. I still studied acting at the Lee Strausberg Institute, Stella Adler School of Acting, and HB Studios for years. I found a lawyer job on Craigslist, and I worked for the same firm for the next 10 years. Handling all different types of criminal matters in the Russian enclave of Brooklyn, known as Brighton Beach. While in New York, I fell in love with Yoga and spirituality, which at the time was where I put all my energy and focus. My guru initiated me as “Yogi Ram”. Back then, I considered being a lawyer, just a job. When my daughter’s mother became pregnant in 2013, I knew I needed to head home and devote myself to being a lawyer.

After 10 years in New York City, in 2014, I moved to Las Vegas to dedicate myself to this wonderful profession and opened my own practice. I love being a lawyer! I love studying trial skills, and I love to improve. Thank you, Dan Ambrose, for making me the best lawyer I can be. Being a trial lawyer is the type of work where you can continuously get better, as well as change and save people’s lives. It is not a static profession. I love going to trial, I love winning, and I love to beat the government and any other entity that has more resources and power than my client. I still love my spiritual practice and yoga. Stretching and hand balancing, is what I do for exercise—it feels amazing and gets me high. Notwithstanding, the majority of my focus is now my work, my kids and of course- my wife. I have an amazing family consisting of my daughter Isabella, my son Tiger and my beautiful partner in life and wife, Anne Wooldridge. I also enjoy smoking pot when the work is done. ;-)

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