Phillip Miller

Miller Law

Download Now: “Wordless Persuasion”: The Neuroscience Based Skills that Provide the Key to Connection with Jurors.

"Anything that makes us more credible with jurors cannot be ignored. Gestures, eye contact, voice control, and smiling all make a difference, but you must have someone who can demonstrate these skills and coach you thru the transition to establishing real connections with jurors.”

I am a good teacher. I like to teach, and I enjoy working through the kinds of problems that we face as trial lawyers in our cases, in the courtroom, and with juries. Deposition and Case strategy (along with jury research) are my specialty areas. That includes collaboratively building detailed, realistic models of the defense case, testing case facts and theories with surveys, developing and testing alternative theories, and conducting in person research, including the use of shadow juries. I'm excited to be at TLU and have an opportunity to work with each of you.

There are some personal things about me that you should know. I am a teaser. It’s hard for me to resist the temptation to tease people when the occasion arises. It’s never in meanness and I try to be considerate of other’s feelings, but I probably have some work to do in that area. I am also blunt, I blame my parents and the rest of my family. In fairness, it's possible that none of them are as blunt as I am. If we are working together and you ask me what I think, I will be as gentle as I can be. I’ve gotten better with age but sometimes a blunt answer just spills out. Sorry.

When I teach, my goal is to collaboratively move people to a different level of insight and skill. That’s fun for me. It gives me joy. Otherwise, I am an open book. I’m not including the usual stuff about schools, degrees, writings, wins/losses, certificates, ribbons, ratings, spouses, hobbies, dogs, adventures, and travel…but ask if you are interested. I look forward to meeting you.

Advanced Deposition Strategy and TacticsAdvanced Deposition Strategy and TacticsAdvanced Deposition Strategy and Tactics

Advanced Deposition Strategy and Tactics

Developing Exhibits for Your Depositions

Deposition exhibits created specifically for your case issues make a difference. What exhibits should be used and how to create them are the focus of this program, with multiple examples that can be adopted for your case(s). Taught by deposition masters Phillip Miller (the Miller Mousetrap), Eddie J. Ciarimboli and Justin Kahn this program is guaranteed to pay dividends in your practice.

9:00-10:00 Drafting Rules and Rhetorical Qs That Provide the foundation for your exhibits.

  • Creation of Rhetorical Questions
  • Polarizing witness testimony
  • Using exhibits for control

10:15-11:15 Rhetorical questions that force commitments to key case issues with examples

  • Agree/Disagree
  • Yes/No Matrix
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Continuum Lines
  • Making your exhibit part of the deposition record

11:30-12:30 Creating Your Own Visuals for Depositions

  • Use of Powerpoint, Keynote, and Stock photos/icons
  • Use of AI to create a customized visual for your case
  • Time Lines
  • Defendant Documents
  • X-Ray, MRI, CT FILMS
  • Medical Illustrations
  • Models
Designing Exhibits - Design Ideas and TechniquesDesigning Exhibits - Design Ideas and TechniquesDesigning Exhibits - Design Ideas and Techniques

Designing Exhibits - Design Ideas and Techniques

Tailored specifically for trial lawyers, this comprehensive program draws inspiration from leading experts in the field, including Tufte, Ciarimboli, Kahn, and Miller. Participants will gain invaluable insights into designing exhibits that pack a persuasive punch and can be used in motions, mediations, depositions, and trials.

The program covers a wide array of exhibit formats and tools, from PowerPoint and Keynote to foam core boards, IPEVO document presenters, spontaneous drawings, 3-dimensional timelines, models, and even AI-generated content.
Additionally, attendees will learn to identify and avoid common design mistakes that can hinder their case presentation.

Structured as a blend of a presentation and workshop, this program offers a hands-on learning experience suitable for lawyers of all experience levels. Participants are encouraged to bring pending matters, enabling instructors to provide personalized guidance and assist in crafting exhibits tailored to their specific cases.

By attending "Designing Persuasive Exhibits," trial lawyers can expect to acquire practical skills and creative strategies to effectively communicate their arguments and evidence in a visually compelling manner, ultimately enhancing their success in the courtroom. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your exhibit creation game and bolster your advocacy skills!

Developing and Using Million Dollar Timelines as the Persuasive Edge for your CaseDeveloping and Using Million Dollar Timelines as the Persuasive Edge for your Case

Developing and Using Million Dollar Timelines as the Persuasive Edge for your Case

In this seminar, we will be using 4 examples of timelines used in multi-million dollar verdicts. In each case, the timeline simplified our communication with jurors and enabled them to adopt our theories and effectively argue for 8-9 figure verdicts. We will cover development and design issues for timelines in your own case as well as how to use timelines at mediation and in trial.

Developing timelines that are strategic and juror-friendly

  • Jury Research/testing of timelines pre-trial
  • Integration of key evidentiary points
  • Design alternatives depending on takeaway

Using Timelines in Opening Statements

  • Live demonstration with Q&A
  • Evidentiary Issues/Objections

Using Timelines and with Direct and Cross and during Closing

  • Live demonstration with Q&A
  • Evidentiary Issues/Objections

TLU Live HB Agenda

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