Dan Ambrose

Trial Lawyers University

I grew up in Birmingham, MI. I am the youngest of eight children and attended an all-boys catholic school my whole life until I went to college at the University of Michigan. I went to night school at Detroit College of Law. My dad, my uncle, two of my brothers, and sister were lawyers. My first job was cutting lawns at age 10. I started working for my brother as a house painter at age 12. When I was 16 I started my own painting business and continued throughout high school, college, and law school, and a few years after until I was 32. I practiced criminal defense for eighteen years in Michigan until ten years ago when my roommate from the Trial Lawyers College, Nick Rowley, encouraged me to move to LA to become a PI lawyer. The California Bar took me four tries. I moved to Las Vegas this past March. I have recently taken up pickle ball, skiing and golf. I also think I'm competitive at connect four, backgammon, chess, and ping pong.

Voir Dire: Connecting, Preloading and ReframingVoir Dire: Connecting, Preloading and Reframing

Voir Dire: Connecting, Preloading and Reframing

All of voir dire is a script. The script sets the frame for the dialogue. In this hour Dan will demonstrate and explain various scripts and how to practice them. Training to be confident and calm is 90% of the game. Start mastering voir dire now, not when you are 30 days away from trial, it’s too late by then.

High Performance PresentationsHigh Performance Presentations

High Performance Presentations

It takes more than having a great case to get a great verdict. It takes more than having great evidence. It takes the jury not only hearing your client’s story, but experiencing it.

Joe and Dan will identify, isolate and train the fundamental skills that lead to jury connection;

Eye contact, glance control, emotional state control, hand/body movement, voice cadence, creating space, etc.

These skills will be demonstrated and explained in the context of voir dire, opening statement, and cross examination.

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