Sach Oliver

Bailey & Oliver Law Firm

I was named after Satchel Paige the baseball player. People often ask me why there is not a “t” in my name and the truth is that my parents were afraid I would be called a satchel bag at school. I was raised in the small town of Viola, Arkansas and give the credit of my success to my wonderful parents, Eddy and Jeanie Oliver. I basically drove my mentor, Frank Bailey, nuts until he agreed to hire me. The first three phone calls to Frank’s office resulted in failure because the office manager simply told me, “Mr. Bailey was not hiring.” I brainstormed magic words with my parents and called back a 4th time asking if I could just spend “5 minutes with Mr. Bailey.” Thank goodness Frank agreed. In those 5 minutes, Frank determined I had great potential and hired me to trim the boxwoods and plant begonias in the firm’s garden. I told Frank that I would do whatever he wanted me to do for little or no money under one condition… If Frank went somewhere on a case for any reason, he must take me with him. We have been together ever since. I am married to Codi Oliver who is a pediatric occupational therapist. We have two daughters, Reesa and Reagan. One of our favorite things to do is ride horses together on our ranch in beautiful Northwest Arkansas. I am passionate about my faith and discipling men to be their best.



Dorothy Clay Sims – Using AI for Depositions

Dorothy Clay Sims will engage students with an interactive presentation on cutting edge strategies for using AI in depositions, particularly expert depositions.

Will Sykes – 30(b)(6) Depositions and Case Strategy: Pressure Points

Will Sykes will provide big picture overview of how to incorporate 30(b)(6) depositions in overall case strategy, to maximize leverage to either force settlements or preserve key corporate representative testimony for trial

Sach Oliver – Depositions are Trial – Advanced Techniques
Sach Oliver will teach advanced deposition techniques from his acclaimed and highly effective “Depositions are Trial” method.

Moderated by: Will Sykes

Developing and Using Million Dollar Timelines as the Persuasive Edge for your CaseDeveloping and Using Million Dollar Timelines as the Persuasive Edge for your Case

Developing and Using Million Dollar Timelines as the Persuasive Edge for your Case

In this seminar, we will be using 4 examples of timelines used in multi-million dollar verdicts. In each case, the timeline simplified our communication with jurors and enabled them to adopt our theories and effectively argue for 8-9 figure verdicts. We will cover development and design issues for timelines in your own case as well as how to use timelines at mediation and in trial.

Developing timelines that are strategic and juror-friendly

  • Jury Research/testing of timelines pre-trial
  • Integration of key evidentiary points
  • Design alternatives depending on takeaway

Using Timelines in Opening Statements

  • Live demonstration with Q&A
  • Evidentiary Issues/Objections

Using Timelines and with Direct and Cross and during Closing

  • Live demonstration with Q&A
  • Evidentiary Issues/Objections

TLU Live HB Agenda