Darryl Isaacs

Isaacs & Isaacs Personal Injury Lawyers

Learn From The Man Who Spends Over $12 Million Per Year In Advertising- Darryl “The Kentucky Hammer” Isaacs

For over 30 years, attorney Darryl Isaacs has been fighting for justice and fair compensation for his clients as “The Hammer,” and that nickname is for good reason. He smashes through delays, red tape, and all the sneaky tactics that insurance companies use to keep from paying what their clients deserve. But he’s also “The Hammer” because he can help you fix your life after an injury; he gets you back on the road to health and recovery after an injury, back to work and back on the road, and back to living the life you had before your injury derailed everything.

Darryl went from failing the bar exam twice to being the sole owner of Isaacs & Isaacs, the Kentucky PI firm with over $2 billion in recovery. His journey includes record-breaking Super Bowl commercials, groundbreaking digital and social media work, and a tragic accident that changed the direction of his life and career.

His serious injuries and the long recovery ignited Darryl’s passion for giving back and helping others, leading him to teach other attorneys the marketing and branding skills that made him a success.

The “Double Your Cases” Game PlanThe “Double Your Cases” Game Plan

The “Double Your Cases” Game Plan

DAY ONE: More Cases (GUARANTEED) through Intake, Operations & Staffing Improvements

with Darryl Isaacs, Rob Levine & Chris Vander Kaay

HOUR 1 - Stop the Silent Case Killer: More Clients through Intake Fixes
What you’ll learn:

  • How to find the holes in your intake process for 50% more closed cases
  • Speeding up and improving your intake calls
  • Improving tech and innovating systems

HOUR 2 - How Many Cases Are You Losing?: Intake Department Secret Shopper Session

What you’ll learn:

  • Diagnose your intake issues in real-time by listening to REAL calls
  • The problem with intake scripts and prompts
  • Conquering objections & pushbacks

HOUR 3 - Catch More “Lost” Cases with Follow-Ups & Chases

What you’ll learn:

  • Why you need a chase sequence
  • Building an automated callback system
  • Separating new clients from other calls in your phone system

HOUR 4 - Increasing Case Value without Spending More

What you’ll learn:

  • Speeding up your time on desk for cases
  • Scorecards to track and monitor progress
  • Building transparency and accountability

HOUR 5 - Better, More Valuable Team Members through Remote Staffing

What you’ll learn:

  • How to prepare your firm for remote team members
  • How to spend less and get more with team members
  • Updating systems to function in a virtual world

HOUR 6 - Free Up Your Time by Working ON Your Firm (Not IN Your Firm)

What you’ll learn:

  • How to delegate and manage instead of executing
  • Building a “self-starter” team
  • Effective meetings, takeaway lists, and task follow-ups

DAY TWO: More Cases (GUARANTEED) through Branding, Social Media & Grassroots Marketing

with Darryl Isaacs, Rob Levine & Chris Vander Kaay

HOUR 1 - Building Your Million-Dollar Brand

What you’ll learn:

  • How to identify a brand that connects to potential clients
  • What elements make your brand appealing and publicly known
  • Building representation across the internet

HOUR 2 - Get Million-Dollar Cases through Grassroots Marketing

What you’ll learn:

  • How to put on events that get you tons of exposure and many new clients
  • Leveraging events to grow your contacts list
  • Getting great free publicity for your events

HOUR 3 - Get More Cases through Previous Client Referrals

What you’ll learn:

  • How to get consistent cases from former clients through strategic contact
  • Building top of mind awareness (TOMA) without big spending
  • Email, text, and video strategies to keep cases coming in

HOUR 4 - Consistent Quality Leads through Paid Social Media

What you’ll learn:

  • How to build an undeniable social media presence
  • How to construct a marketing “ecosystem” to catch new leads
  • Remarketing for greatest impact

HOUR 5 - Be the Most-Known Attorney in Your Area through Organic Social Media

What you’ll learn:

  • Growth through engagement and giveaways
  • Building local business connections on social media
  • Consistency, quality, relevancy, and relatability

HOUR 6 - 5 Hacks to Raise Your Firm’s Public Awareness

What you’ll learn:

  • 5 Types of Blue Ocean Awareness (going where lawyers aren’t)
  • How to become “the attorney who…”
  • The power of local awareness

TLU Live HB Agenda

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Barbie Pink & White Party

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Smart AdvocateTork Law