Christian Augustin

Claggett & Skyes Law Firm

Bio soon to be updated

Intake and Pre-Lit WorkupIntake and Pre-Lit Workup

Intake and Pre-Lit Workup

  • Your Firm's Mission: What type of firm do you want to be?
  • Who are we? (who were we?)
    • Defining your firm’s pre-litigation role
    • You pre-litigation should be your early starting line for your litigation cases and litigation quicksand.
  • Case Selection Criteria
    • Evaluating risk and value
    • Seeing the case at each stage of the process, from day 1 to the end of a trial
Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 2Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 2Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 2Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 2

Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 2

  • Trial work means fewer cases (can't have hundreds of cases per attorney in lit)
  • You can make more money by saying no, but you have to be patient
  • Focusing on what matters in lit - what moves cases forward and gets full value on cases
  • What are you incentivizing with your pay structure? Are you inadvertently incentivizing people to settle cases instead of taking cases to trial and working them up to get full value?
  • Compensation and bonus structure for lit teams
  • Go over the litigation system and timeline we built
Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 1Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 1Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 1Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 1

Building Your Pre-Lit and Lit Systems Part 1

  • Difference between trial firms and volume firms
  • Using a systems-based approach - Increasing case value by creating a system
  • The need to separate pre-lit volume from lit and trial cases
  • The role of your pre-lit team (customer service, knowing what your lit teams are looking for, knowing which cases will have to be litigated and working them up properly) - Christian you may cover some of this in your other sessions but I think a little overlap is ok
  • What to do with cases that don't settle in pre-lit but aren't the right fit for your lit team
  • Compensation for your pre-lit team (how to bonus)

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Barbie Pink & White Party

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Smart AdvocateTork Law