Haytham FarajTed Wacker

Advanced Voir Dire Skills: Stop Helping The Defense With Your Excellent Voir Dire

As trial lawyers continuously evolve jury selection skills, they reach a point of competence where they can efficiently present the issues that have been identified as potential dangers in a case. Whether the issue is a preexisting condition, surveillance videos, minor body damage on a vehicle or a felony conviction, or a host of other issues that plaintiffs’ lawyers have to grapple with before trial.

During this presentation, we will discuss and work on identifying those issues that may seem to be critical to selecting a fair jury, but often also result in identifying and ultimately eliminating jurors that are favorable for the plaintiff. Participants will learn how to stop identifying jurors for the defense to eliminate while.

We will show you how to conduct focus groups prepare questionnaires, and process information to develop the appropriate voir dire.

TLU Live HB Agenda