Motorcyclists often wreck because of the condition of the roadway.If a defect in the road caused the motorcycle to go down, the city, county or state may be responsible.Road construction companies often cause motorcyclists to wreck because of such things as surface differentials, improper signage or warning of approaching conditions, loose gravel, poor maintenance, inadequate line striping and poor surface conditions. Most of this presentation will be focused on road construction cases.
Learn the techniques and specialized tactics Jason has developed after handling over 1,000 motorcycle injury and wrongful death cases.Some are applicable to all motorcycle negligence cases.
Examples will be from road defect cases: a $2M noneconomic jury verdict, a $1M recent arbitration and a few major settlements.We will cover how to:
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byBreakfast
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted byLunch
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Hosted byCoffee & Snacks
Hosted by5:30pm-8:30pm